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Swansea City Tree Map

Swansea City Council Tree Services Unit plant hundreds of trees every year!

Unlike large, mature trees, which look after themselves, these trees need watering regularly and you can help! This year more than ever, with the months of lockdown we have faced, which coincided with a dry spell, these trees need your help! Download our Google My Maps to see where there are trees near you that need watering. This doesn't need to be gallons a day, if you're walking past a recently planted tree, watering with even just a bottle of tap water will help! Let us know via social media which trees you've been watering on your walks, runs and bike rides @swanseatreeforum #SwanseaTreeMap

Download the map here 

Keep a special lookout for Swansea Tree Forum and Woodland Trust planted trees on New Cut Road, at West Cross and outside the Guildhall. 

Swansea City Tree Map: About Us
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